Hyper-modern satellite technology for use in sustainable agricultural investments

Satellite-Supported Asset Assessment and Management

For many years, sensors have played a role in many aspects of our everyday lives. Satellite sensors see much more than the human eye. We unlock the benefits of satellite data in order to protect your agricultural and forestry investments.

Due Diligence with Reliable Location-Specific Characteristics

The productivity of your land depends on the successful combination of many factors, such as location, weather, and soil. We do not rely on opinions, instead, we evaluate for you the location at hand with reliably measured data.

Land Purchase after Yield Potential Assessment

Long-term observation and forward-looking prognoses reveal the prospects and risks of your land investments. We analyze the yield potential and apply our models and experience to ensure the success of your investment.

Spatial Business Institute AG analyzes, with coordinate-specific precision, the productivity and quality of land that you entrust to us for assessment.

In order to do so, the experts at SBI use objective data from reliable measurement systems.

Current and historical satellite data, weather information, terrain measurements, yield return, as well as other parameters are applied by SBI, in order to assess, select, and manage the land, allowing you to profit from your agricultural or forestry investment.

Due to our many years of diverse knowledge and experience, the latest satellite technologies are at your disposal to strengthen your land investment.